Using Craigslist to Resale your Membership
Using Craigslist to Resale your Membership
Using Craigslist to Resale your Membership
Set-up and account with Craigslist at
Click on my account
Create an account
Go into your account on craigslist and go to “NEW POSTING”
- Use the dropdown menu to select the city & state for the posting
- For Tomorrow’s Stars “Dayton, Ohio”
- For Cathedral Palms “Palm Springs California”
- For Hidden Springs “Southwest Mississippi”
Click “Go”
Select “for sale by owner”
Select “general for sale by owner”
Posting Title
- For Tomorrow’s Stars “Tomorrow’s Stars Campground Membership”
- For Cathedral Palms “Cathedral Palms Campground Membership”
- For Hidden Springs “Hidden Springs Campground Membership”
- Enter the price – Keep in mind that there is a $250 transfer fee that you will need to pay. Incorporate that fee into your price.
- For Tomorrow’s Stars – South Charleston OH
- For Cathedral Palms – Cathedral City CA
- For Hidden Springs – Tylertown MS
Postal Code
- For Tomorrow’s Stars – 45368
- For Cathedral Palms – 92234
- For Hidden Springs – 39667
Posting Body
You are purchasing a membership with ALL AMERICAN RV PARKS. You can choose a home park of Hidden Springs Resort (MS), Tomorrow’s Stars Resort (OH) , or Cathedral Palms Resort (CA) . With that membership you will be allowed to use your home park as often as you like for 14 days on 7 days off at $15.00 per night. If you prefer for a longer stay you can pay for your out week and stay as long as you like. Your children can use your home park without you being there for 50% off the nightly public rate. Each child can use it 4 times per year for 7 days each visit. Your yearly maintenance dues will be $135 per quarter.
With your membership you also get usage of our RV CLUB system which offers you discounts in over 200 parks across the country. You can also “choose” to join RESORT PARKS INTERNATIONAL (RPI) which will give you an additional 650 parks and 3500 condominiums worldwide for an additional yearly fee of $89-$115 per year.
Posting Detail
- Skip this section
Contact Info
- Email: should automatically be showing as your account email
- Select “CL mail relay” – This allows craigslist to not reveal your actual email. You will receive emails from potential buyers to your email however you email is encrypted so they are not able to see the email. If you reply to the email you receive then your email will remain encrypted.
- Users can also contact me – This is a personal preference. The best way to sift through the spammers from real buyers is actually talking to them. I suggest selecting “by phone”. Spammers are not going to actually want to talk to you as they are fishing for your email to add to marketing lists. You can also leave this blank and only communicate via encrypted email until you know you have a serious buyer.
Show On Maps
- For Tomorrow’s Stars – 6716 E National Road / Bowman Rd / South Charleston OH
- For Cathedral Palms – 35901 Cathedral Canyon Dr / Kieley Rd / Cathedral City CA
- For Hidden Springs – 16 Clyde Rhodus Rd / Mesa Walkers Bridge Rd / Tylertown MS
- You have the option of adding images – Feel free to roam download from our Facebook Page or our website. Do not include any photos with people. Craigslist will flag them and reject your post. Look for scenic shots.
- Click “Done with Images”
Publish Your Post
- You must click on “Publish” to finalize your post
- Randomly Craigslist will send you an email for your post that you must open and click a link to activate the post.
Unfortunately, you will have to sift through the spammers to get to your real buyer but your buyer is out there. Here are a few tips.
As long as you reply to emails that are sent to you through Craigslist, your email will remain encrypted.
- Spammers will ask you to reply to them in a separate email
- Your real buyer will not
When someone asks if this is still available? Reply (through the initial email) simply “Yes” and wait for their reply. Use these same tips for emails and text messages.
Spammers may say
- I am going to send someone to pick it up (obviously they are a spammer)
- I will pay you $50.00 extra to hold it for me
- I am buying this for someone else, can you email them …. (they are fishing for your email)
- What is the condition?
Real Buyers will engage with you
- They will ask questions about the membership
- They will most likely ask if you would accept a lower price
- 90% of the time the potential buyer will have already gone to the park and they know what they are buying
Feel free at any time to give them your membership number and my name “Diane” and phone number 800-529-1717. I can answer any questions they have about the transfer and the benefits and verify that you are a member is good standing. No one can initiate the transfer except you which is why we require you to pay the transfer fee with your credit card, debit card or personal check.
Money Exchange
Selling on Craigslist is similar to selling something on Ebay or in the classifieds of your local paper. There are many ways to receive your money. Keep in mind, your buyer can not steal this membership from you and expect to stay a member with us. We have your back! Here are some tips.
- Meet at the park. They can pay you in cash. You can begin the transfer right then and there.
- Personal check – If your buyer wants to pay with personal check, explain that you will have to wait until the check clears your bank before you initiate the transfer.
- Cashiers Check or Money Orders – Be sure to take these to your bank to verify validity before depositing
- Paypal – You will need to have an account already set-up with Paypal to accept this form of payment.
- Zelle – Set-up the quick pay system with your bank. Anyone can send you money and all you have to do is give them the email address that is associated with your bank. Funds are available instantly. There are no fees.
Transferring your Membership
You have sold your membership and you are ready to initiate the transfer. You will need the following from your buyer.
- Name(s)
- Address
- Home Phone – Cell Phone for Mr. – Cell phone for Mrs.
- Email address
All transfers are done through the corporate office unless you are physically at that the park.
Pay the $250.00 transfer fee
- Call 800-529-1717 and pay with your transfer fee with a check (by phone), credit card, debit card.
- Mail your personal check for $250.00 with the transfer form to
18201 McDurmott W Ste C
Irvine, CA 92614-4748
Once we received the buyer’s information and the transfer fee we will send the new buyer their contracts. The membership will stay in your name until we receive the contracts back from your buyer.